
Why this blog had to exist?

I don’t do much literature apart from simple takeaways from what I’ve been reading. My original material comes from personal experiences. I work in tech startups, work with early stage companies and taking a shot at a bunch of things.

It is really interesting that we know a bunch of people by their expertise. There is your machine learning guy, social proof bro or a self improvement guru who could talk about some topic over and over at a conference or over a quick bite. Think about Paul Graham’s essays they are about fundamentals. He talks about how he revisits and deletes stuff to reach the ideal. Also startup topics.

Those are the people who built entire careers on top of a few very well put ideas and well put ideas are generally found in writing. They can capture an audience by literally reiterating on previously well developed concepts.

While suckers like myself has to constantly come up with material because past experiences had failed to materialize in writing. Most of the lived experiences leaves their mark once you get the bigger picture. That happens after you step out of the scene though, so usually thereafter. Then suddenly another situation calls for your attention, you don’t have time to digest. It adds retrospective to your train of thought. Most of what I’ve adamantly written during 2020 turned out to be not-so-important.

So, you write. Writing adds your material up. When I do rewrite my old posts I had to come up with additional material because the original idea fell short. Writing has generative qualities. My aim then is to be overall a good observer not so much excel in writing department.

You don’t know what you know until you get it in writing.

The aim of this blog is to show, firstly to myself and to others that no matter what you do; you have to write about it to know about it. I cover what is talked about in tech and my takeaways from university and work life. Older versions of this page didn’t fail to cringe me. So I had to rewrite my old posts almost every year; this is how I know if progress is made.